Saturday, November 14, 2009

friday the 13th

i'm a coward. it was my last day in school, i saw him and wanted to take pictures with him, but he was with his friends, i chickened out. he left with his friends. my friends said wasted. i had a bad mood. then i ate chicken wings and slept at the balcony with my friends and it was fun :)

i just adore him :') hahaha
juli let's go to school bring my camera and hunt him down before i go back home, huuuuhuuu *desperate

anyway, saw this in front of my school

we chickened out, eh?


  1. wah, sudah ketemu cowok lain.. semangat ya, men!

    hiks.. hiks..

  2. ahahahha! aku suka dia gara2 main gitar terus lucu hahaha tp dia exchange student jadi desember udah balik ke uk :(
    tp ga sempet foto bareng, yaaaah :| haha

  3. apanya asik, ga kesampean juga

  4. yes yes we'll go sch and hunt for him. Its a must to take a pic of you and him before he fly off!

    sadly, YYY tic sold out..!! damn damn!!!

  5. DDDAAAAAAMMMNNNNNN see told ya it's selling damn fast! :'( *mengapaaaa.. aku begini..? singing naif song

    yayayaya please pretty please, i wanna take pics with himmmmm :s
